Basic Preparedness: Water, Food and Medical Supplies

If you’re caught in the midst of a disaster in your community, you may not have immediate access to water, food or electricity for a long time. By preparing yourself now, you can provide for...

If you’re caught in the midst of a disaster in your community, you may not have immediate access to water, food or electricity for a long time. By preparing yourself now, you can provide for your family during a crisis. The following are a few tips on how to prepare for a disaster:


Make sure you store enough safe water for sanitation and drinking. The general rule is to store 1 gallon of water per person for at least 3 days. Safe drinking water includes water that has been treated, boiled or bottled water.  There are multiple options for water storage and water filtration for your water supply.  Determine how much you need and what is available to you before selecting the right options.

This is important because after a disaster, the public water supply could be contaminated. Consuming contaminated water can cause illness. Make sure you never prepare food or wash dishes with contaminated water. This includes bathing or brushing your teeth.

In addition, make sure you thoroughly wash your hands before preparing or eating food. Often times, during an emergency, people place hygiene on the back burner. It is important that you always wash your hands with soap and water. Just make sure the water is disinfected or boiled.

It won’t be a bad idea to have anti-bacterial gel or sanitation wipes on hand. However, you should never use this in place of washing your hands with pure soap and water.


It’s amazing how many people are unaware of the importance of preparing for an emergency. During Hurricane Sandy, if you went food shopping just before the storm, you probably encountered people buying foods that weren’t considered storm worthy.

There were some people (without generators) stocking up on foods, such as chicken, steak, eggs, milk, cookie dough, microwave popcorn and other perishable foods items.

When it comes to food, it’s important that you stock up on a 3-day supply of non-perishable food. Don’t wait until a State of Emergency is announced on Television before you decide to go shopping. Stock up on food items that you and your family enjoy eating in advance.

Make sure you have plenty of ready-to-eat food, such as cookies, crackers, nuts, etc. Just make sure that you stock up on foods that have nutritional value. For example, dried fruit is a delicious snack that doesn’t have to be refrigerated.

Also, if you have pets, make sure you stock up for them as well!

Medical Supplies

Make sure you are full stocked with adequate medical supplies. Medical supplies include: syringes, Band-Aids, contact lenses, hearing aids with extra batteries, etc.

Purchase a first aid kit that includes adhesive bandages, eye pads, gauze pads, tape, gloves, a scissor and cream packets.

The reality is that emergencies are never planned. That’s why they’re called emergencies.  But it’s never too late to be prepared in case of one. Be proactive.

Visit our FEMA resources page for a great list of preparedness plans and checklists.

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