Announcing the TruPrep/Vanquest Bug Out Bag Challenge!

(Registration:11am - 1pm  Winners @ 3pm)

WHAT: TruPrep/Vanquest Bug Out Bag Challenge
WHEN: October 20, 2018

(Registration:11am – 1pm  Winners @ 3pm)

PRIZE: Vanquest Trident 20 + More!

Do you take your BOB seriously?  Do you feel like you have the bag to rule all other bags?   Well it’s time to put your bag to the test.  Introducing the TruPrep Bug-Out-Bag challenge!  Sponsored by Vanquest, the go-to source for bags. We are happy to offer this rare opportunity to compare your bag with others and show what you can do.  Put your bag to the test and get ideas from others.  The winner will walk away with a Vanquest Trident-20 ($159.99 Value)!
For this bag challenge, we are asking everyone to bring their best Bug Out Bag.  This is the bag you would setup to handle most any unexpected disaster.  Assume it’s the bag you would carry if you didn’t know if you would be able to make it back to your home, so don’t build this as if it were a “day” bag or a “get-home” bag.  The score will be based on the following criteria:
GEAR SCORE – Half the score will be judged based on the gear you have in your bag.  The categories being judged are below:
  • Hydration
  • Food/Cooking
  • Shelter
  • Clothing
  • Heat/Fire
  • First Aid
  • Hygiene
  • Tools
  • Lighting
  • Communications
  • Self Defense*
  • Navigation
  • Power
  • Misc Items

*For purposes of this bag, do NOT bring firearms or ammo. We will give everyone credit for those items regardless

SUBJECTIVE SCORE – Half the score will come from a panel of judges on the following areas:

  • Originality/Creativity – Here we will be looking at originality and creativity that went into putting the bag together.  Outside the box thinking will be given credit in this category.
  • Thoroughness – How thorough is the bag to handle most situations?  Here your bag will be judged on how thorough your gear selection is to handle most any situation.
  • Quality of Content – Gear quality is important.  A broken tool is worthless in a life or death situation.  Expensive gear doesn’t always win here.  We are looking for quality gear that will hold up under bad conditions.
  • Efficiency & Organization – How efficient is the gear chosen.  Credit is given here for multi-use items.  This also includes organization.  You need to be able to locate critical gear in a moments notice.  We will be giving extra points to a well organized bag.
  • Bag Quality – Here your actual bag will be judged.  Your bag will be judged on the quality of the material and access to gear.  Adjust-ability is also important as you might need to carry your gear for long distances and a perfect fit is critical.
WEIGHT – Weight is an important factor in a Bug Out Bag and will play a factor in your score.
  • We will use the industry standard measurement of 20% of your body weight as a maximum for your bag.  Your score will be adjusted with this maximum in mind.
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